Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9-

Monday: Parsnip soup (see below)
Tuesday: Rice, Sweet Potato, Kale, Eggs
Wednesday: Mac & cheese w cauliflower & enchilada sauce
Thursday: Eagle snack: Pea crisps, Carrots, Hummus (FAAC) Orzo salad with zucchini, onion, tomato, like this recipe
Friday: Stuffed acorn squash (can add sausage)
Saturday: Lunch - Cider Ride (picnic - orzo salad leftovers?) Dinner - something K will like (K arrives @ 5:21p)
Sunday: Lunch - Liberty Tavern; party (see below)
Monday: (K leaves @ 3:15p)

Parsnip Soup recipe (roughly based on this one)

  • Roughly chop onion & saute in butter/olive oil
  • Add pressed 2 cloves garlic & grated ginger (about a tablespoon/thumb size) & 1 tbsp garam masala
  • Saute for 10 minutes
  • Roughly chop all the parsnips we have, and carrots if we need more bulk; add to pan and stir to coat
  • Add the silken tofu, then enough milk & stock to cover, aiming for about twice as much stock as milk.
  • Turn down heat, put lid on, simmer for 30+ minutes, until parsnips are knife-tender
  • Blend, taste & add salt & pepper
  • Serve with bread, red pepper flakes
Party -

1 Cauliflower
2 Acorn squash
2 lbs mushrooms

Pecans (opt)

Sausage (opt - for apple/acorn squash)

8 4-ounce cans diced green chilies
4 cup chopped green onions
2 cup chopped black olives

6 ounces unsweetened chocolate, roughly chopped
4 cups plus 2 tablespoons cake flour
AP Flour
Whole wheat flour

Organic beans
Can pumpkin puree
Coconut milk
Baby food

2L Diet coke

Milk - %/whole
2 c buttermilk
Two (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened

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